I recently spent the last week in three places: Bargara, Brisbane and Gold Coast. This was in celebration of schoolies, aka graduating/finishing high school! It was a week of many things, but a great one at that.
I'll probably upload more snapshots once I go through the hundreds of photos and edit my favourites.
Labels: dailylife, travels
Here are just some of the many photos I took for my best friend Carolyn's senior formal. Aren't they just beautiful together!?
Labels: dailylife
A quick visual of what my day consisted of.
Labels: dailylife, travels
Dinner with these lovely girls in celebration of Carolyn's 17th birthday. I haven't seen her for the longest time, so just seeing her made my night. She's literally the closest person I know, and I can't wait until she moves in with me in January.
Happy birthday babe!
Labels: dailylife